Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What a Day!!

This is Snoop..

Ok, my day started w/my cat Snoop getting sick, then Skyler was not feeling good, and finally it was Simon. I was about to run away from home!! LOL Skyler was on and off all day, the items that she did try to keep down, just did not stay. Poor little thing, is in bed right now. Hopefully, a good night sleeps will help. I just hope everyone is feeling better tomorrow.


lynda w said...

Snoop aka "Ashley's cat".

I hope Skyler feels better tomorrow. I think we'll be staying away though. I am deathly afraid of throwing up.

kwoodstock said...

Hay Skyler I hope you are feeling better soon. I have a cold too. but just in my head.

Teri said...

I'm feeling better today.